

[홈페이지제작] 병원물품공급업체 홈페이지제작 수주받았습니다.

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작성일 2023-11-15 09:19:37 조회수 62

병원물품공급업체 홈페이지제작 수주받았습니다.

저희 대구웹을 믿고 제작을 맡겨주신 대표님께 다시 한번 감사 드립니다. 




Far better to think historically, to remember the lessons of the past. Thus, far better to conceive of power as consisting in part of the knowledge of when not to use all the power you have. Far better to be one who knows that if you reserve the power not to use all your power, you will lead others far more successfully and well.

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